Shiro Madrid
Los Ronin
El Dojo

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Acércate, viajero, únete a nosotros. El viento sopla frío en esta noche. Yo lo se bien, hace ya tiempo que abandoné mi hogar o como diantre se llamara eso, no me acuerdo...
¿Qué hacemos aquí? Me quedé sin señor, algunos incluso nunca lo tuvieron. Es posible que eso sea lo que nos haya unido con unos lazos que van mucho más allá del deber a un Clan.
Pero aun así, y con todo ello, vagando por las extensas llanuras de Rokugan seguimos siendo samurais, seguimos siendo... ronin.

Ken, Samurai Ronin





Wrath of the Emperor: Ronda de objetos del viernes:


Wrath of the Emperor: Previews del viernes (objetos) - Suru's Mempo

Recordad que podéis ver todas las cartas nuevas en nuestra página de previews.

Mark nos habla de la ronda de objetos:


 Let’s look at some Items today, shall we? I have nine (9) Items to show off in the upcoming Wrath of the Emperor expansion, so I will be doubling-up somewhere on the previews. There’s a couple of interesting pieces of Armor that I am making room in my decks for (my silly Tani Berserker crew just got some Exquisite Armor to go along with their Dai Tsuchis), as they don’t count as Weapons (YAY!) and allow me to stack up on the same Personality (BOOYAH!).

NOTE: These are not necessarily paired up by clan — I did as best as I could in some cases where it seemed appropriate, but not every preview in this set is completely “married” to the clan showing it… just so you know.

Mark Jelfo
Creative & Marketing Director
Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.


Torneos: Madrid: Torneo Diamante el viernes en Invernalia. Cádiz: Torneo Diamante el viernes en Unlimited.  Barcelona: Torneo Diamante  el sábado en Ágora Lúdica. Zaragoza: Torneo Open el sábado en Freakland.


Wrath of the Emperor: Ronda de personalidades del martes:


Wrath of the Emperor: Previews del martes (personalidades) - Many-Temples Master

Recordad que podéis ver todas las cartas nuevas en nuestra página de previews.

Algunos comentarios de Mark:


The previews for Wrath of the Emperor are slowly winding down as we head into Week #4 and near its GenCon Indy release. Well over half of the 30-Card Countdown has been exposed, as well as over 90 others. As you can already see, Wrath is very much about adding support for existing themes introduced in Reign of Blood and The Hidden City, and helping to balance and/or improve certain clans in the ever-changing tournament environment. The first batch of previews for the week will highlight more Personalities for the 10 clans. Since Phoenix happened to receive 2 Personality previews last week (because they were both Bloodspeakers), this week they will see how to expand their clan’s Monk base… so to speak. ; ) Share and enjoy.

NOTE: This past month broke many records for internet traffic for L5R sites, as well as AEG’s L5R webpage. We had over 8.5 million hits during the month of July from over 96,000 unique computers. That’s up over 2.3 million hits from our previous record: November, 2003. Simply, “Wow.” It’s great to see how active and robust the L5R internet community is. Thank you all for your support.

Mark Jelfo
Creative & Marketing Director
Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.



Wrath of the Emperor: Ronda de acciones del viernes:


Hahohmaru e-mail
Libro de Visitas

Seppun Noritaka (

Osata (
Akodo Ryuken
Shosuro Gesseri
Bayushi Tabu
Yoritomo Sagara

"Legend of the Five Rings," "L5R," el logo de los 5 anillos, las ilustraciones, los personajes citados en esta página, y cualquier otra cosa relacionada, son TM y © 2003 de Alderac Entertainment Group. Haohmaru y el resto de personajes de Samurai Spirits son  TM y © 2003 de SNK. Los personajes de Madrid Shiro son propiedad de sus respectivos autores. La calabaza es de Osata. El sake es de Noritaka. La sed es de Ken. Las ganas de palmarla son de Ryuken (y de hecho ya la palmó). La recompensa es para Tsukumo. Los shurikenes y el pijama negro NO son de Gesseri, se los encontró por la calle. La Torre es de Tabu. La patera es de Sagara.